Saturday, February 1, 2014

Wedding Idea

Came up with a nifty idea for the wedding.  I have always like learning, and I love trivia.  There is something so perfect about bite-sized bites of Anthropology.  I was watching a series of videos, in order to earn my daily goal of bucks on (awesome site for earning gift cards for those little extras that we all want but can't seem to afford-a shout out for for the same thing) and there was one about a particular wedding idea that caught my attention.  It was a video on a "honey" theme, based on "honeymoon."

One of the wedding flowers I already wanted to go with is the Honeysuckle, because of all of the wonderful memories I have from when I was very young and drinking from them in my grandparents yard.  Beside which, I have always been in love with their scent.  So this video caught my attention and inspired me to find out more about the origin of "honeymoon."  Interestingly enough, the traveling portion of it isn't very nice, nor sweet (think: Vikings carrying young women off and forcing them into hiding against their will in order to impregnate them).  Though the name comes more from a honeyed mead that was consumed for fertility.  Neither is it particularly sexy, though the mead is sort of romantic, in a "let's knock you up as soon as humanly possible" sort of way.

But learning about it and thinking about how weddings are a multi-billion dollar industry made me realize how sad it is that, much like holidays, very few people understand the origin of the traditions associated with, and inherent in, a wedding.  So, the idea for the wedding is this:  I'm going to look up the origin of different, wedding-related things, from the cake to the "Something Blue" poem, and share them with my guests.  I plan to write up a small blurb about each item, frame it and place it in the most relevant places at the wedding venue (or put certain items in the program).

Then, I plan to use them as a base for some games.  Maybe some kind of trivia-scavenger-hunt for the centerpiece game.  Also, some paper-based games (like a crossword puzzle and word-find) for the littlest guests (and anyone else for whom dancing is beyond their physical ability/comfort level).

So, that's it, really, though I would love to hear about any relevant (or even irrelevant) wedding ideas you guys might have!

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